OMM Software Innovation Pvt Ltd.

"OMM" Reflection of absolute reality....

OMM Software Innovation Pvt Ltd

"OMM" Reflection of absolute reality....

OMM Software Innovation Pvt Ltd

"OMM" Reflection of absolute reality....

OMM Software Innovation Pvt Ltd

"OMM" Reflection of absolute reality....

OMM Software Innovation Pvt Ltd

"OMM" Reflection of absolute reality....

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Introduction to a "Magic Pen"

Recorder is this magic pen that converts your written notes into electronic files and then transfers it to your phone and computer via "Bluetooth". I think it’s a great idea and can actually encourage us writers to take to the book and pen more often. I bet authors and illustrators will love it too! My only wish – it auto spell checks the files..... great invention..

Introduction To "Java Programming"

Introduction To Java Programming : JOptionPane : showConfirmDialog with ImageIcon


Introduction To Java Programming : Classes and Objects : private access specifiers


INTRODUCTION TO "RASPBERRY" Name - ->"Raspberry Pi".... Introduction: The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard, which can be used for many of the things that your average desktop does - and it also plays high-definition video. • The Raspberry Pi charitable foundation wants to see the device being used by kids all over the world to learn programming and electronics. Operating System • ->Linux on a bootable SD card • Fedora • Debian • ArchLinux Other pre-rolled projects exist like XMBC Media Center Programming • ->By default, supporting Python as the educational language. • Any language which will compile for ARMv6 can be used with the Raspberry Pi, though; so you’re not limited to using Python. Tinkering • ->GPIO pins if you’re after an interesting electronics project. • Gertboard - A GPIO expansion board from the foundation for electronics projects • USB Devices / Ethernet / Hubs / AV out • Can be powered by 4 x AA batteries ... After Raspberry Pi is released for a few hours, its 10,000 initial stocks are completely sold out. The invention of small size personal computers has raised a new revolution in the IT industry, which started a new competition. Advantages : 1.Although Raspberry Pi is as small as the size of a credit card, it works as if a normal computer at a relatively low price. it is possible to work as a low-cost server to handle light internal or web traffic. Grouping a set of Raspberry Pi to work as a server is more cost-effective than a normal server. If all light traffic servers are changed into Raspberry Pi, it can certainly minimize an enterprise’s budget. Disadvantages: 1.Even though Raspberry Pi can perform different tasks, there are some limitations due to its hardware. Because of its processor, it cannot run X86 operating systems. Some common ones like Windows and Linux distros are not compatible. In addition, some applications which require high demands on CPU processing are off-limits. “Model B took 107 ms to complete one calculation of the purely synthetic prime number test; a mid-range desktop Core 2 Duo E8400 took only 0.85ms.” (Collins, 2012) Users must not use normal computer standards to judge Raspberry Pi. It can work as a personal computer, but cannot replace it.

Monday, 9 June 2014

Define "RADAR'

RADAR : Radar is an object detection system which uses radio waves to determine the range, altitude, direction, or speed of objects. It can be used to detect aircraft, ships, spacecraft, guided missiles, motor vehicles, weather formations, and terrain. The radar dish or antenna transmits pulses of radio waves or microwaves which bounce off any object in their path. The object returns a tiny part of the wave's energy to a dish or antenna which is usually located at the same site as the transmitter. Radar was secretly developed by several nations before and during World War II. The term RADAR was coined in 1940 by the United States Navy as an acronym for RAdio Detection And Ranging.[1] The term radar has since entered English and other languages as the common noun radar, losing all capitalization. The modern uses of radar are highly diverse, including air traffic control, radar astronomy, air-defense systems, antimissile systems; marine radars to locate landmarks and other ships;. High tech radar systems are associated with digital signal processing and are capable of extracting useful information from very high noise levels. Other systems similar to radar make use of other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. One example is "lidar", which uses visible light from lasers rather than radio waves. [Image:A long-range radar antenna, known as ALTAIR, used to detect and track space objects in conjunction with ABM testing at the Ronald Reagan Test Site on Kwajalein Atoll.]

What is a LM7805 Voltage Regulator?

What is a LM7805 Voltage Regulator? A LM7805 Voltage Regulator is a voltage regulator that outputs +5 volts. An easy way to remember the voltage output by a LM78XX series of voltage regulators is the last two digits of the number. A LM7805 ends with "05"; thus, it outputs 5 volts. The "78" part is just the convention that the chip makers use to denote the series of regulators that output positive voltage. The other series of regulators, the LM79XX, is the series that outputs negative voltage. So: LM78XX: Voltage regulators that output positive voltage, "XX"=voltage output. LM79XX: Voltage regulators that output negative voltage, "XX"=voltage output The LM7805, like most other regulators, is a three-pin IC. Pin 1 (Input Pin): The Input pin is the pin that accepts the incoming DC voltage, which the voltage regulator will eventually regulate down to 5 volts. Pin 2 (Ground): Ground pin establishes the ground for the regulator. Pin 3 (Output Pin): The Output pin is the regulated 5 volts DC. Be advised, though, that though this voltage regulator can accept an input voltage of 36 volts, it is recommended to limit the voltage to 2-3 volts higher than the output regulated voltage. For a 5-volt regulator, no more than 8 volts should be applied as the input voltage. The difference between the input and output voltage appears as heat. The greater the difference between the input and output voltage, the more heat is generated. If too much heat is generated, through high input voltage, the regulator can overheat. If the regulator does not have a heat sink to dissipate this heat, it can be destroyed and malfunction. So the two options are, design your circuit so that the input voltage going into the regulator is limited to 2-3 volts above the output regulated voltage or place a heat sink in your circuit to dissipate the created heat.


*DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DIODE AND RECTIFIER** Ans->>*A diode is a device that allows flow of current in one direction only. A rectifier is a diode that is able to convert the current from AC to DC. *The rectifier is placed in one of the AC lines before the load. The diode has a small leaked current whenever it is working. *The rectifier is used to purify the circuit. A diode can be reverse biased or forward biased. A forward biased diode is placed in the current’s direction and a reversed biased diode is placed against the flow of current. The depletion region in a forward biased diode is small while the depletion region in a reverse biased diode is big ..

Web services is a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network. It has an interface described in a machine-processable format (specifically WSDL). Other systems interact with the Web service in a manner prescribed by its description using SOAP messages, typically conveyed using HTTP with an XML serialization in conjunction with other Web-related standards. Web services are classified into two types SOAP and RESTful. SOAP is Simple Object Access Protocol which has its own pre-defiened structure envelope and header REST is Representational State Transfer it does not have any pre defined structure

Final Year Project under OMM Software Innovation Pvt Ltd for CS / IT / MCA .... This Project is successfully completed by our team on dotnet platform. INTRODUCTION - The title of the project is “MediRetailer Software”. This software is constructed for Medical and General store. It is a desktop application for reduce the manual work of medical stores and General stores. Earlier in each and every medical store and General store the work had to be done manually so that had to be taken much time and effort, so to reduce the time and effort of shopkeepers this software is developed. This is not only reducing the time and effort but also do the accurate calculations and storage of medicines in the store. A perfect management such as medicine management, supplier management, and batch number management of each and every medicine can be done by using this software and make easy working for retailers and shopkeepers. For each and every medical shop there are number of suppliers who supplies medicines from the medicine companies to the medical and General stores, so the list of suppliers was maintained manually but by using this software it is become easy to store and manage list of suppliers. Each and every medicine has their batch number, that batch number is stored in this software application and when a shopkeeper find the price or any detail of any medicine they uses these batch numbers for retrieving the whole information of medicine. It becomes easy to generate a purchase bill and sells bill, which is very useful for any shopkeepers to know the yearly or monthly or weekly expenses and earning. OBJECTIVES This project is based on ASP.NET technology and build using .NET framework 4.0. The main objective of this project is to provide easy and attractive software for medical and general stores. In other words I can say that my project has the following objectives:- • TO PROVIDE EASY TO ACCESS SOFTWARE. • IT IS BASICALLY FOR RETAILERS AND SHOPKEEPERS • TO PROVIDE SUCH KIND OF APPLICATION TO REDUCE THE MANUAL WORK. • SHOPKEEPERS CAN MANAGE WHOLE STORE BY MAKING EACH AND EVERYTHING COMPUTERIZED. • AND THEY CAN EVEN FIND LIST OF SUPPLIER FROM IT. • BATCH WISE LIST OF MEDICINE. • MIN AND MAX QUANTITY. (IT CONTAINS MIN AND MAX QUANTITY OF MEDICINE IN PARTICULAR RACKS NUMBER). • STOCK LIST OF MEDICINE WITH BATCH WISE. • EXPIRY REPORT. IT SHOWS EXPIRY DATE OF MEDICINE IN PARTICULAR MONTH OF YEAR. • STOCK MATCHING REPORT. • STOCK TRANSFER REPORT. (IT TRANSFERS STOCK FROM ONE BATCH TO OTHER BATCH.) • SELLS REPORT (PARTICULAR DATE WISE, BETWEEN TWO DATES, MONTH, YEAR, COMPLETE.) BENIFITS: In earlier days, the buyers and suppliers of India were dealing with the limited market only i.e., the suppliers can only able to trade and sell their products to the limited market only, so trade market is limited. But our website provides such kind of facility to reach in the global marketplace, in which a buyer is provided with a list of products and suppliers with complete details from all over the world which help them to trade with a bigger market which were not possible in earlier days, similarly a list of different buyers are also provided to a supplier for the selling of products. The supplier only needs to just upload the images and complete description of the product which he wants to supply to the market, the list of different buyers are provided through our site as well as by the Email to that particular supplier.
Hello Friends !!! Recorder is this magic pen that converts your written notes into electronic files and then transfers it to your phone and computer via "Bluetooth". I think it’s a great idea and can actually encourage us writers to take to the book and pen more often. I bet authors and illustrators will love it too! My only wish – it auto spell checks the files..... great invention..